David Garmaise

The government of Peru has taken up funding for many activities that were initiated with Global Fund support over the past eight years and has achieved considerable success in the fight against the three diseases. This was one of the conclusions of a diagnostic review of Global Fund grants to Peru conducted by the Office of Inspector General. The review…
On 2 October 2012, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released three reports, two on audits conducted in Namibia and Kyrgyzstan, and one on a diagnostic review undertaken at the Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM). Namibia The OIG said that while it noted a number of good practices and achievements as a result of the grants in Namibia, it also…
Within the last month, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has released four reports, three on audits conducted in Angola, Mozambique and Senegal, and one on a diagnostic review undertaken in Myanmar. In its reports, the OIG did not identify any instances of misappropriation of funds. However, in the Mozambique audit, the OIG said that some issues “call for…
David Garmaise
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