Angela Kageni

As it has done for past rounds of funding, the Global Fund Secretariat assessed all proposals submitted under the Transitional Funding Mechanism (TFM) to ensure they met the minimum requirements for coordinating mechanisms and non-CCM proposals. There were 61 proposals from 48 applicants. All 61 proposals were deemed to be eligible; none were screened out. In contrast to previous screening…
The Developing Countries NGO Delegation on the Global Fund Board has released a report on challenges in grant implementation. The report is based on input collected in March 2012 from implementers in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The report identified 14 challenges, including the following: Reporting requirements. The Secretariat makes frequent changes in…
The two sub-Saharan African constituencies on the Global Fund Board have made significant changes to the way their Board representatives are selected and how the constituencies operate. These changes were made at a consultation meeting of two constituencies on 9–11 July in Johannesburg, South Africa. The meeting was convened by Dr Mphu Ramatlapeng, Vice-Chair of the Global Fund Board, and former…
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