Gemma Oberth

The Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria published six requests for proposals (RFPs) to select technical assistance providers for its Community, Rights, and Gender (CRG) program. The program supports civil society and community organizations in meaningfully engaging with the Global Fund, during the grant’s lifecycle. The technical assistance providers will deliver short- and long-term capacity building for different…
The Community, Rights and Gender (CRG) Strategic Initiative of the Global Fund, which is a $15 million catalytic investment, has bolstered the engagement of civil society and communities in in-country Global Fund processes across the three diseases. This is according to an independent external evaluation of the Strategic Initiative for the period between March 2017 and April 2020, which was commissioned by…
The sixth annual report to the Board on the Global Fund Secretariat’s work to promote community-, rights- and gender- (CRG-) based responses to HIV, TB and malaria has been caught between two chairs: the long-running attempt to keep CRG-based as well as community and civil-society engagements at the center of Global Fund grants’ programming, with the tsunami of the COVID-19 pandemic…
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