Christelle Boulanger

Christelle Boulanger
Technical assistants are a vital, although often invisible, part of the Global Fund grants, aiding at each step of the grant life cycle. They help write funding requests at the request of the Country Coordinating Mechanism and assist principal recipients (PRs) to determine financial and program targets during grant-making. During grant implementation, technical assistants assist PRs to address issues such as risk…
Karanja Kinyanjui
In June 2012, the Global Fund Board approved the “re-launch” of a health systems strengthening (HSS) grant in Mozambique. After two years of inactivity, the grant was re-launched as a three-year re-programmed grant. It is believed to be the first time a grant has ever been re-launched. The grant, bearing the number MOZ-809-G08-S, was from a Round 8 proposal that…
David Garmaise
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The Global Fund Should Take Transparency to Another Level
Robert Bourgoing