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Sixth Replenishment success is main focus of Global Fund’s resource mobilization
GFO Issue 346

Sixth Replenishment success is main focus of Global Fund’s resource mobilization


Adèle Sulcas

Article Type:

Article Number: 3

Investment Case will be shared with Board by end of January

ABSTRACT The resource mobilization and replenishment update to the Board at the Global Fund’s 40th Board meeting emphasized the Fund’s focus on the success of the Sixth Replenishment, and described the Fund’s overall approach to preparing for it. New head of External Relations Francoise Vanni presented the update.

The Global Fund’s new Director of External Relations, Francoise Vanni, presented highlights of the Global Fund’s preparation for the Sixth Replenishment to the 40th Global Fund Board meeting, held in Geneva on 14-15 November.

The presentation to the Board constituted an overview of the Secretariat’s preparations for the Sixth Replenishment over the remaining 11 months until the Pledging Conference meeting, which is to be held in Lyon, France, in October 2019, hosted by President Emmanuel Macron.

Vanni’s presentation described the Fund’s overall approach to the Sixth Replenishment, gave an update on the status of key workstreams, described key considerations and a timeline for the development of the Investment Case, gave an overview of the Replenishment timeline vis à vis other key events and milestones in the global health calendar up until the Pledging Conference, and summarized key risks for the Replenishment and how the Fund is managing them.

The full Resource Mobilization update to the Board (Board document GF/B40/17) also addresses the Global Fund’s overall resource mobilization strategy, and describes progress made on resource mobilization since the Fifth Replenishment, including addressing the subjects of pledge conversion, additional pledges, and the governance role for additional donors, private sector engagement, innovative financing and resourcing.

Vanni’s main focus on the Sixth Replenishment Pledging Conference summarized the Replenishment portion of the Board document, outlining the Fund’s near-term priorities in the leadup to the Pledging Conference in 2019. The prioritized focus areas include political leadership and hosting, civil society advocacy, political advocacy, the investment case, the Replenishment-specific communications campaign, global events and platforms, and donor engagement.

The overall approach to the upcoming replenishment describes the Sixth Replenishment as an opportunity to consolidate and increase donor contributions; expand the donor base by engaging with new and returning donors, and emerging and emerged economies; secure private partnerships and new financing mechanisms, leverage increased commitments to domestic financing for health; expand and deepen the engagement of champions, advocates and influencers; and enhance the Global Fund’s profile in terms of its distinctiveness and catalytic role.

The Board document states that there will be a “comprehensive Sixth Replenishment campaign” anchored around the Preparatory Meeting hosted by India in February 2019 and the main meeting in France in October; the Fund will develop a “compelling narrative and Investment Case with partners” that situates the Fund’s replenishment in the context of SDG 3 (the global health Sustainable Development Goal) and Universal Health Care; a “dynamic, creative and robust replenishment communications campaign” supported by differentiated communication strategies across donor markets; strengthened outreach to new and returning public donors, ensuring that they are equipped with content that justifies new and increased funding; expanding engagement with emerging economies (including implementing countries) in order to encourage co-investment; leveraging platforms for private sector engagement; and demonstrating the catalytic effect on domestic resource mobilization through implementing country commitments and counterpart financing.

Vanni updated the Board on the status of key Replenishment workstreams, thanked France and India for their support as hosts of the Pledging Conference and Preparatory meeting, respectively, and said that the Investment Case, which is being developed by technical partners, will be ready by the end of January, in time for Board input before the Preparatory meeting in New Delhi in February.

The fuller, written Resource Mobilization update (contained in the Board document) takes into account inputs from the Audit and Finance Committee and Global Fund partners, and constitutes a briefing on resource mobilization for the current replenishment cycle (the Fifth Replenishment).

Board Document GF-B40/17 (Resource mobilization and replenishment) should be available shortly at

Editor’s note: This article is dated 15 November, which is when this article was uploaded into our automated system. The article was not published until 16 November, the day following the Board meeting. This respects our agreement with the Global Fund concerning when we publish articles that are based on the content of the Board papers.

Further reading: Board Document GF/B37/28: Action Plan for ongoing resource mobilization through the Replenishment cycle.


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