Kazakhstan CCM Details Plans for Country Dialogue and Concept Note Development
David Garmaise
Article Type:Article Number: 1
ABSTRACT The Kazakhstan country coordinating mechanism has launched the process of developing the concept note it will submit to the Global Fund. It has also outlined plans for its country dialogue.
Kazakhstan is one of the six early applicant countries in the transition phase of the new funding model (see GFO article). It will be submitting a concept note for its TB programmes. The Kazakhstan country coordinating mechanism (CCM) has been told that it is eligible to apply for $34 million in indicative funding for three years (2014ā2016), and that this amount may be adjusted upwards by an additional $4.83 million during the country dialogue.
The CCM may also compete for incentive funding; $29 million has been designated for incentive funding for all early CCM applicants for 2014. Additional incentive funding may be available for 2015ā2016.
The process of developing the concept note to access this funding is happening in parallel with two related processes in Kazakhstan: (1) a plan for reforming TB services in both the civil and penitentiary sectors; and (2) the development of a new national TB strategy.
At a special meeting of the Kazakhstan CCM on 16ā17 May, the focus of the concept note was discussed, as were the TB services reforms. At that same meeting, a seven-person working group was established to develop the concept note and an action plan was adopted. Of the seven people on the working group, only one is a CCM member (a representative of key populations). Of the other six members, four are from government, one is from a multilateral development agency and one is from an NGO.
The country dialogue process to collect information for the concept note started on or before the May CCM meeting and is scheduled to continue through 20 July. The process includes soliciting submissions for inclusion in the concept note; organising focus groups; interviewing key informants; and organising a round table of stakeholders.
Focus groups will be held with individuals in organisations providing TB services in penitentiaries; patients receiving TB treatment at home; migrant workers; NGOs; and physicians providing outpatient care.
The round table will review submissions and the results of the focus groups and interviews.
Staff from the Global Fund Secretariat are expected to visit Kazakhstan on 17ā29 June to discuss the development of the concept note. The staff will also review progress in the development of the new national TB strategy and the TB services reforms.
A preliminary draft of the concept note will be developed by 27 June. On that day, the CCM will meet to review the draft. By the beginning of July, the preliminary draft will be submitted to the Global Fund Secretariat for initial review by the Technical Review Panel (TRP).
After the preliminary draft is submitted, the working group will continue working on the concept note. By the third week of September, the CCM is expected to decide which principal recipients will be nominated. The final concept note will submitted to later than 15 November (and will again be reviewed by the TRP).
See GFO article for a description of the country dialogue and concept note development processes in three other early applicant countries.