Sam Avrett and Bernard Rivers (Aidspan)
Resource mobilization for watchdogs – training curriculum
Resource mobilization for watchdogs – training curriculum. ( FIle Link: )
CCM’s Website Toolkit
The CCM’s website manual is a kit intended to assist, CCMs’ to develop there organisational websites , withought much guidance following these easy and seamless process. ( FIle Link: )
A Guide to Building and Running an Effective CCM
Katy Pullen and David Garmaise
Understanding the New Funding Model
The new funding model (NFM) is a significant departure from the way the Global Fund has done business under the rounds-based system which it replaces. The purpose of this guide is to describe how the NFM works. This guide is suitable for members of country coordinating mechanisms (CCMs), principal recipients (PRs), sub-recipients (SRs), government officials, members of non-governmental organisations (NGOs),…
A Beginner’s Guide to the Global Fund – 3rd Edition
The purpose of this guide is to provide a broad introduction to the Global Fund for people who have little or no prior experience of the Fund – including members of new country coordinating mechanisms (CCMs), new principal recipients (PRs), new sub-recipients (SRs) – or new staff in existing PRs and SRs – as well as government officials, members of…
The Aidspan Guide to Round 10 Applications to the Global Fund – Volume 1: Getting a Head Start
This volume discusses the considerations involved in deciding whether to apply and, for those who intend to apply, emphasises the importance of getting a head start. It describes what initiatives the Global Fund will support; explains who is eligible to apply; summarize the applications process; and provides a series of links where potential applicants can obtain information concerning the development…
The Aidspan Guide on the Roles and Responsibilities of CCMs in Grant Oversight
CCMs are only now beginning to focus on their role in overseeing the implementation of Global Fund grants. This guide describes what grant oversight is, and provides basic advice on how a CCM can plan and implement oversight. It includes some real-life examples from CCMs that have already started to do oversight. The primary target audience for this guide is…