The Board of the Global Fund will discuss, at its 42nd Board meeting next week, the Sustainability, Transition and Co-financing (STC) Policy, and its implementation. This policy insists on, among other aspects, transition planning where a country “moves towards fully funding and implementing its health programs independent of Global Fund support while continuing to sustain the gains and scaling up…
Are Country Coordinating Mechanisms a modus operandum, a governance ideal or a tool for countries to progress towards universal health coverage?
When the Global Fund was born… When the Global Fund was born as a response to an emergency, it was clear that this new institution would be governed by rules different from those of existing organizations. We wondered about the modus vivendi, the model business for a “cash kitty” created in an emergency, responding to the needs identified by the…
Global Fund Board to discuss ongoing piloting of country-specific performance on several Key Performance Indicators
Responding to constituency requests, the Global Fund Secretariat began piloting reporting on some country-specific results on several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in early 2019. After a positive response from several constituencies to the pilot, the issue of continuing the reporting of country-specific results under specific criteria was raised during the October Strategy Committee meeting and is expected to be addressed at…
OIG audit of Global Fund grants to Papua New Guinea highlights increasing malaria prevalence and inadequate internal controls
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Global Fund, in its second audit of Global Fund grants to Papua New Guinea (PNG), noted the country’s success in expanding HIV services, particularly to key populations, and strengthening civil society organizations that support key populations. However, the OIG raised concerns around an increase in malaria prevalence, reduced HIV testing among…
First OIG audit of Liberia’s Global Fund grants highlights that financial management arrangements need ‘significant improvement’
While acknowledging several areas of progress made against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in this civil war-torn and Ebola-wracked country, the Office of the Inspector General’s first country audit of Global Fund grants to Liberia highlights inadequate financial management arrangements – including major deficiencies in oversight of sub-recipients – and deficiencies in recording and tracking grant assets, as well as gaps…