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Gates Foundationā€™s ā€˜Goalkeepers Reportā€™ tracks progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Gates Foundationā€™s ā€˜Goalkeepers Reportā€™ tracks progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation undertook, in 2017, to publish a ā€˜Goalkeepers Reportā€™ every year until 2030, charting the worldā€™s progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, which have 2030 as their target date. The co-chairsā€™ introduction to the report (and on the ā€˜Goalkeepersā€™ page on the Foundationā€™s website), is entitled ā€˜Is Poverty Inevitableā€™? They go on to explain that…

Global Fund will ‘donate’ $5 million to Venezuela to provide treatment for HIV

Global Fund will ‘donate’ $5 million to Venezuela to provide treatment for HIV

The Global Fund will donate 5.0 million U.S. dollars to finance the procurement of critical health products for Venezuela, which is in the midst of a severe economic and health crisis. This funding is exceptional for several reasons. First, Venezuela does not meet the grant eligibility requirements for upper-middle-income countries, but the Global Fund is making an exception in this…

Countries need better data for accurate forecasting of funding gaps in Global Fund grants

Countries need better data for accurate forecasting of funding gaps in Global Fund grants

Applications for Global Fund grants require countries to state the resources needed for them to meet their targets for HIV, tuberculosis and malaria programs, and to state their anticipated domestic and donor funding, including their Global Fund allocation for the duration of the grant. Subtracting the total anticipated domestic and donor funding from the resources they need gives the gap…




