Aidspan has developed a series of data tools to view, analyze and share data
from the
Global Fund’s grant portfolios. These tools are for both internal and external
– anyone who has interest in the work of the global fund to fight AIDS, TB and
Malaria. Data are displayed in an intuitive manner to communicate information
as the progress and scope of different grants, classified by country, region,
principal recipient and other categories. Aidspan believes that efficient data
management by the global fund will help all stakeholders to better understand
policies, programs and grants in place at the global level and in their
By providing these intuitive tools that paint clear pictures of the grants,
is providing a platform of information that will help all stakeholders at all
ask better-informed questions in order to participate in constructive dialogue
the Global Fund. Aidspan is continually updating and expanding its complement of
tools to help improve understanding of the Global Fund. We see these tools as
critical to proving the impact of our work as the leading independent monitor of
Global Fund.