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Country Coordinating Mechanisms – key component or white elephant?

Country Coordinating Mechanisms – key component or white elephant?

Behind the Global Fund’s particularly utilitarian definition of CCMs (“Country Coordinating Mechanism”) lies a very complex reality. Indeed, the CCM concept is a radical shift from the traditional “donor/beneficiary” relationship. The anthropological concept of a “gift” provides insight into the origins of the unresolved tensions that generally exist between donor and recipient (Henkel and Stirrat, 1997). The Global Fund is…

Post-Replenishment: from Pledges to Results

Post-Replenishment: from Pledges to Results

Donors at the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment Conference pledged $14 billion for the next three years – the largest amount ever raised for a multilateral health organization. By all standards, our fundraising outcome in Lyon was a very impressive achievement, and testimony to the strength of the Global Fund partnership and the hope it brings to communities around the world….

Post-Replenishment: from Pledges to Results

Post-Replenishment: from Pledges to Results

Donors at the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment Conference pledged $14 billion for the next three years – the largest amount ever raised for a multilateral health organization. By all standards, our fundraising outcome in Lyon was a very impressive achievement, and testimony to the strength of the Global Fund partnership and the hope it brings to communities around the world….

Civil Society engagement in the Sixth Replenishment campaign: A unique example in the world of global health

Civil Society engagement in the Sixth Replenishment campaign: A unique example in the world of global health

It is said, and it is often repeated, that the Global Fund is a unique model of a partnership that brings together the public sector, technical and financial partners, the private sector and representatives of civil society, in a single effort to eliminate pandemics. This diversity is reflected in the Global Fund’s Board of Directors, which has one seat for…

Global Fund Sixth Replenishment pledging conference sees historic private sector contribution plus pledges from 23 implementing countries

Global Fund Sixth Replenishment pledging conference sees historic private sector contribution plus pledges from 23 implementing countries

The morning pledging session of the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment Conference in Lyon, France, on October 10, saw representation from 68 countries, including several new donors to the Global Fund, as well as ‘symbolic’ pledges from many implementing countries as a show of their commitment to and appreciation of the Global Fund. The pledging portion of the morning’s events was…

GFA consulting group reacts to GFO’s article on fiscal agents’ work with Global Fund grants

GFA consulting group reacts to GFO’s article on fiscal agents’ work with Global Fund grants

. Editor’s Note: On 30 July 2019, in edition 361, the Global Fund Observer published an article on fiscal agents’ role in reducing financial risks in Global Fund grants (‘Fiscal agents reduce financial risks within Global Fund grants but do not build implementer capacity’), by Djesika Amendah, a senior member of Aidspan’s policy team. The article explained the role of…

After 16 years, Churches Health Association of Zambia continues its success as Global Fund grant implementer

After 16 years, Churches Health Association of Zambia continues its success as Global Fund grant implementer

In Zambia, one of the countries hardest hit by HIV/AIDS and where the disease is still the leading cause of death, the Churches’ Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ) has been an implementer of Global Fund grants, without interruption, since their inception in 2003.  The performance of CHAZ’s grants is mostly better than that of the other Principal Recipient (PR), the…

Global Fund Board approves $46.4 million in interventions from the UQD Register

Global Fund Board approves $46.4 million in interventions from the UQD Register

On 27 September 2019, by electronic vote, the Global Fund Board approved funding for interventions from the Register of Unfunded Quality Demand (UQD) valued at $46.4 million for nine grants in five countries (see Table). Most of the funds for these awards come from a portfolio-optimization exercise that was carried out in April 2019 for the 2017-2019 allocation cycle. The largest…




