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GFO Issue 7



Bernard Rivers

Article Type:

Article Number: 6

ABSTRACT A breakdown of the Round 2 grants by year, region, disease, implementing entity, form of expenditure, and more.

The following data are obtained primarily from a Secretariat paper to the Board entitled “Report of the Secretariat and the Technical Review Panel on Round 2 Proposals” (Revision 1) and a Secretariat slide show entitled “Summary of Key Findings from Round Two”, both dated January 2003.

Regional split of proposals received in Round 2:

(in dollars to be spent over 5 years; 100% = $5.1 b.)

 Africa:  . . 58% S.E. Asia: . 12% Americas:. . 13% Eastern Med.  6% Europe:. . .  5% West Pacific  5% Global:. . .  1%

Disease component split of proposals received in Round 2:

(in dollars to be spent over 5 years; 100% = $5.1 b.)

 HIV/AIDS: . 59% Malaria:. . 23% TB: . . . . 11% HIV/TB: . .  7% Integrated: 1%

Source of application of proposals received in Round 2:

(in dollars to be spent over 5 years; 100% = $5.1 b.)

 CCM:  . . . . 89% Regional org:  6% NGO:  . . . .  3% Sub CCM:  . .  2% Regional CCM: 1% Other:  . . . 1%

Outcome of the review process:

(in dollars to be spent over 5 years; 100% = $5.1 b.)

 Approved (Category 1):  4% Approved (Category 2): 35% Rejected (Category 3): 55% Rejected (Category 4):  6%


  • Approved (Category 1): Approved proposal requiring no or minor modifications, which should easily be answered within 6 weeks and given the final approval by the TRP Chair and Co-Chair.
  • Approved (Category 2): Approved proposal provided clarifications are met within a limited timeframe (6 weeks for the applicant to respond, at most 6 months to obtain the final TRP approval should further clarifications be requested). The primary reviewer, secondary reviewer as well as TRP Chair and/or Co-Chair need to give final approval.
  • Rejected (Category 3): Not recommended in its present form but strongly encouraged to re-submit.
  • Rejected (Category 4): Not recommended for funding.

Cost of approved proposals:

 Year 1:      $430 m. Years 1-2:   $866 m. Years 1-3: $1,276 m. Years 1-4: $1,651 m. Years 1-5: $2,051 m.

Regional split of proposals approved in Round 2:

(in dollars to be spent over 2 years; 100% = $866 m.)

 Africa:  . . 61% S.E. Asia: .  9% Americas:  .  9% Eastern Med.  8% Europe:  . .  9% West Pacific  4%

Disease component split of proposals approved in Round 2:

(in dollars to be spent over 2 years; 100% = $866 m.)

 HIV/AIDS: . 57% Malaria:  . 28% TB: . . . . 14% HIV/TB: . .  1% Integrated: 1%

Expenditure split of proposals approved in Round 2:

(in dollars to be spent over 5 years; 100% = $2,051 m.)

 Drugs: . . . . . . . .  30% Commodities & products: 26% Training & planning: .  11% Human resources: . . .   9% Infrastructure & equip.: 9% Administrative costs:    6% Monitoring & eval'n.:    5% Other: . . . . . . . .   4%

Distribution split among implementing partners for proposals approved in Round 2:

(in dollars to be spent over 5 years; 100% = $2,051 m.)

 Government: . . . . . . . . . . . 54% NGO:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23% Faith-based orgs: . . . . . . . . 18% Private sector: . . . . . . . . .  5% Academic/educ. orgs:  . . . . . .  4% People living with HIV/TB/malaria: 3% Community-based orgs:   . . . . .  3% Other:  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4%

Antiretroviral recipients in developing countries:

 Currently: - Sub-Saharan Africa: . . .  50,000 - All other dev. Countries: 250,000 - Total:  . . . . . . . . . 300,000
 Supported by Round 1 grants, by end of 5 years: - Sub-Saharan Africa: . . .  80,000 - All other dev. Countries: 140,000 - Total:  . . . . . . . . . 220,000
 Supported by Round 2 grants, by end of 5 years: - Sub-Saharan Africa: . . . 190,000 - All other dev. Countries:  80,000 - Total:  . . . . . . . . . 270,000
 Total: - Sub-Saharan Africa: . . . 320,000 - All other dev. Countries: 470,000 - Total:  . . . . . . . . . 790,000

Antiretroviral recipients from Round 2 grants by end of 5 years (or earlier, in some cases):

 Armenia . . . . . .      30 Benin . . . . . . .   2,000 Botswana  . . . . .  20,000 Bulgaria  . . . . .     200 Burkina Faso  . . .   3,600 Cambodia  . . . . .   3,000 Central African Rep.  5,000 Cote d'Ivoire . . .  27,000 Cuba  . . . . . . .   1,500 Dominican Republic    6,000 Ecuador . . . . . .   1,659 El Salvador . . . .     447 Estonia . . . . . .     500 Ethiopia  . . . . .  12,000 Georgia . . . . . .     130 Guinea  . . . . . .   4,358 India . . . . . . .   6,000 Iran  . . . . . . .     100 Jordan  . . . . . .      30 Kazakhstan  . . . .     450 Kenya . . . . . . .  20,387 Kyrgyzstan  . . . .     100 Lesotho . . . . . .  25,000 Liberia . . . . . .   1,500 Mongolia  . . . . .       5 Mozambique  . . . .  31,000 Namibia . . . . . .  26,735 Nepal . . . . . . .   3,000 Nicaragua . . . . .     390 Peru  . . . . . . .   9,000 Swaziland . . . . .   6,750 Thailand  . . . . .  48,385 Togo  . . . . . . .   1,500
 Total:  . . . . . . 267,756

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