At Least 20 CCMs Now Have Their Own Websites
Angela Kageni
Article Type:Article Number: 6
ABSTRACT The number of CCMs with their own websites now totals at least 20. This article provides links to each of the sites, and provides a "wish list" of the types of information and features that CCM web sites should endeavour to include.
According to research conducted by Aidspan, 20 CCMs have established their own websites. There may be others that Aidspan is not aware of.
The following is a list of the 20 websites:
Albania: (Languages: Albanian and English)
China: (Languages: Chinese and English)
Georgia: (Languages: English, Russian & Georgian)
India: (Language: English)
Kenya: (Language: English)
Madagascar: (Language: French)
Mauritius: (Language: English)
Moldova: (Languages: Moldovan and English) (the English version is currently unavailable)
Mongolia: (Languages: Mongolian and English
Morocco: (Language: French)
Nepal: (Language: English)
Nigeria: (Language: English)
Pakistan: (Language: English
Peru: (Language: Spanish)
Romania: (Languages: Romanian and English)
Sri Lanka: (Languages: Tamil, Sinhala and English)
Suriname: (Language: English)
Tanzania: (Language: English)
Thailand:; (Languages: Thai, with some English)
Yemen: (Languages: Arabic and English)
The information available varies considerably from one website to another, with the India site being by far the most comprehensive. Portions of some of the websites are still under construction.
The following is a list of the major types of information, and features, that Aidspan believes would be useful for any CCM website to have:
- information on the structure and role of CCM, and its terms of reference (TOR), bylaws or constitution
- a list of CCM members, including (a) the sector each member represents, (b) the position (if any) that member occupies on the CCM; and (c) contact information for the member;
- a list of CCM committees, which may include task-oriented groups within the CCM tasked with technical issues, implementation and procurement, PR and SR selection etc., including: (a) a list of members; (b) TORs (c) minutes of past meetings;
- information on the CCM Secretariat, including: (a) TOR (or equivalent) for the Secretariat; (b) a list of staff; and (c) contact information for each staff person;
- information on future CCM meetings, including: (a) dates; (b) the agenda for the next meeting; and (c) copies of, or links to, documents that will be discussed at the next meeting (where available);
- the minutes of past CCM meetings;
- information related to the proposal development process, such as calls for in-country submissions and related guidelines, and copies of all proposals submitted to the Global Fund;
- information regarding grants that have been approved;
- information related to grant implementation, such as the latest progress update and disbursement requests from the PRs, oversight reports produced by the CCM or any of its committees, and grant performance reports and grant score cards produced by the Global Fund;
- links to the websites of other relevant organisations, such as the Global Fund itself, multi- and bi-lateral development organisations, the local fund agent (LFA) and Aidspan;
- a dedicated space on the home page to announce important recent developments and upcoming events; and
- a forum or feedback mechanism that would allow CCM members and non-members to discuss issues relevant to the CCM and to Global Fund grants currently being implemented.
None of the websites listed above has all of these features.
If readers are aware of CCM websites not listed in this article, we would like to hear about them. Please contact Angela Kageni at If appropriate, we will update the list of CCM websites in a future GFO article.