Lauren Gelfand
Article Type:Article Number: 4
Gains included increased number of people on ARVs and under bednets
ABSTRACT The Global Fund has released its mid-year results, highlighting gains in the number of people on ARV treatment and under bednets.
Programs supported by Global Fund grants are providing anti-retroviral treatment to 6.6 million people worldwide, according to mid-year results released on 17 July.
The number of people on ARVs paid for by Global Fund grants rose 8% over year-end results from 2013, attributable primarily to strong gains in Nigeria, India, Uganda and Mozambique, where nearly 100,000 people began treatment for HIV since early 2014.
The results also showed an increase of 14% in the number of bednets distributed by Fund-supported programs, bringing the cumulative total to 410 million long-lasting insecticide treated nets distributed.
Global Fund support has also enabled diagnostic testing and treatment for 11.9 million people worldwide, an increase of 6% over year-end 2013 figures of 11.2 million.
The mid-year results reflect sustained support by the Global Fund to national strategic objectives from eligible implementing countries. As the Fund and its implementing partners continue the transition to the new funding model and a more evidence-based, impact-driven approach to the three diseases, it will be interesting to see how this is reflected in the metrics to measure the extent of Global Fund support to national programs.