Bernard Rivers
Article Type:Article Number: 6
ABSTRACT The first edition of the newsletter features several articles on the CCM's role in grant oversight.
The Global Fund Secretariat has released its first CCM Newsletter. The 4-pages newsletter features several articles on the CCM’s role in grant oversight. It also contains a small article on the Global Fund’s CCM funding policy.
In a message on the front page of the newsletter, Global Fund Executive Director Michel Kazatchkine says that the newsletter “provides a new vehicle through which CCM members can share lessons learned and best practices with their counterparts in countries around the world. Each newsletter
will address a specific theme and will include diverse voices and perspectives from CCM members and other Global Fund partners and stakeholders.”
The Global Fund plans to issue the newsletter quarterly. The next issue will focus on the grant management dashboard, a new tool from the Fund that assists with grant oversight. That issue will also contain more information on the CCM funding policy and an article on supervision of sub-recipients.
Copies of the CCM Newsletter are available atĀĀ Currently, only the English language version is posted. The Global Fund Secretariat says that versions in the other five UN languages will be posted shortly.