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Responsible reporting, commentary and analysis on all aspects of the Global Fund ecology since 2002

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Our Work

Aidspan is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) created In 2002 as an independent observer of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Aidspan provides the Global Fund’s stakeholders with information and analysis to understand and evaluate the Global Fund’s progress. Aidspan aims to influence the transparency and effectiveness of the Global Fund at the global and country-level.

Our Vision

Transparent, accountable and effective implementation by the Global Fund and other global health initiatives as a foundation of global health equity.

Our Mission

To improve the effectiveness, transparency and accountability of the Global Fund and other global health initiatives through independent observation, convening, and building the capacity of in-country stakeholders and accountability mechanisms.

Our Four Pillars

Independent observer of the Global Fund and other Global Health Initiatives

Increase transparency, accountability & effectiveness

Communicate for change & influence

Build and strengthen strategic partnerships

Current GFO Issue

Aidspan Releases Issues with articles every month, in French and English

GFO Issue 460


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What our endorsers have to say

“When I joined the Global Fund, I avidly read back issues of the GFO to get me up to speed on what is an incredibly complex organisation. I have always found the GFO clear, honest, and saying the things that many of the staff in the Fund wish we had the space (or courage) to say.”

​– Ade Fakoya, Senior Specialist HIV, Global Fund

Adam Smith

"Global Fund Observer is lucid, intelligent and definitive. It makes a huge contribution to everyone's understanding of the processes and realities of the Global Fund."

– Stephen Lewis, former Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa of the UN Secretary-General

Adam Smith

"Congratulations for your work on watchdogging, it will help all of us to deliver good results in Global Fund implementation of proposals."

– Rosemeire Munhoz, UNAIDS Country Coordinator, Burundi

Our Donors